Chemical pathology

Chemical pathology is the biochemical analysis of fluids such as urine, blood and cerebrospinal fluid.

Chemical pathology, also known as clinical biochemistry entails the evaluation of bodily fluids. By checking to see how the body's chemistry has altered, we can determine the nature of a disease and ways for it to be monitored. Specialists in pathology can study the body's chemistry and find a link to disease, which directs treatment choices. An abnormality in the chemistry of the body may indicate illness, e.g. elevated glucose levels are seen in diabetes mellitus.

Why is chemical pathology testing so important?

Chemical pathology interconnects medicine with science. A team of medical consultants, clinical scientists and biomedical technologists provide chemical pathology services in the laboratory. Daily analytical work involves thorough investigations where samples are run through analysers, followed by interpretation of these findings. Examples of direct patient care involving chemical pathology are pregnancy testing, lipid abnormalities, diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiencies, bone abnormalities, cancer screening and endocrine conditions like the menopause.

What does the process involve?

Test are undertaken to detect abnormalities and thereby reach a diagnosis. Being part of a multidisciplinary medical team, a chemical pathologist uses their knowledge and skill to contribute precise and efficient patient care.

Clinical biochemistry testing occurs day-to-day in the laboratory, but it can also be performed in a safe, private space at the bedside or in the privacy of a person’s home, through what is known as point-of-care testing (POCT). Such examples are pregnancy tests, urine tests and glucose tests. Laboratory tests, however, are highly accurate and more reliable than some point of care tests.

What do the results from chemical pathology testing reveal?

Depending on the nature of the test, the results may reveal chronic conditions such as high blood sugar and high cholesterol.


What is the aim of chemical pathology?
Chemical pathology is an investigative process that involves the study of bodily fluids such as urine and blood to find variations in the body’s chemistry. Experts in this field play an essential role in managing conditions such high cholesterol, high sugar, low iron and abnormal thyroid function.
Why do you need a lipids test?
A lipids test traces volumes of several substances, including cholesterol and is used to diagnose heart disease, stroke and heart failure.